September 1st Yomi 2 Patch Notes

Today we launched another update for the digital version of Yomi 2. The big news is that our tenth playable character, Lum Bam-foo, the Gambling Panda, is finally here! There’s also some wording changes and bug fixes, but no real balance changes this time around.

If you’re a fan of the original and you haven’t checked out Yomi 2 yet, you can try it on Steam or Epic Games Store today!

September 1st, 2023 PATCH NOTES


New Character

Lum, the Gambling Panda is now available to play! Some of Lum's moves can summon an item from a separate deck of item cards. Try to get lots of items going to create exciting gameplay!

Minor Card Adjustments

--All dodges now have text with “You may” about the option to punish so that the cards are more clear that the punish is optional.

--Argagarg Z’s now says “If you get hit” rather than “If this gets hit” for consistency.

***--Midori’s blocks clarify that he doesn’t return them to hand if he used them as an honor throw. Adjusted font size, too.

--Valerie Rainbow Disc (Super2). Wording changed to “When you open with this and don’t get hit” to be consistent with similar wording on other cards.

--Updated the stat reference cards for Jaina S2 and Geiger S1's recent changes.

Bug Fixes

--The game no longer asks you to "rejoin matchmaking queue" when your opponent disconnects during a friend match.

--Fixed cards sometimes having blank art at the start of online matches

--Fixed Midori sometimes showing blank art cards during his Dragon Form transition

--Implemented a more sensible error message if you search for a YomiTag that doesn't exist.

--When you start a friend match and the opponent disconnects before you've chosen your character, trying to back out of that character select screen will now allow you to leave the aborted match directly, instead of forcing you to choose a character then leave the match from there.

--Fixed a tutorial soft-lock where the opponent Valerie would refuse to play her move (when she's forced to end a combo in E to teach about the edge, but she lost her E card beforehand).

--Sound: In combo practice mode, when opening or closing the R1 quick controls panel at the right side of the screen, the swoosh sounds are now correctly coming from the right channel, rather than from the left channel.

--Tutorial: During part 4, on the turn where you're forced to knock down with a throw, disallow powering up with a pair of throws. This prevents getting accidentally forced to wild swing two turns in a row. If you try to do it, the throws are highlighted in red, and a red tooltip says "Normally these are legal to power up with, but let's save them to throw."

--Fixed a case where dodges that auto-hit with some damage (Eight-Point Counter, True Power of Storms, Phase Out) would mess up the combo display of the next combat by adding the dodge's own hit again.

--Fix: When you dodge into Dragon Form, or play it to punish an unsafe-on-block attack, you now correctly transform.

--Removed all quests from the Event Hall career location. (They weren't supposed to be there.)

--Fix: Jaina's Dragonheart's self-damage no longer help the opponent's black gem storm (Shadow Tentacles) to trigger. (Because the black gem storm says "If *you* deal at least 10 damage in a turn [...]".)

--Visuals: When opening the big known-hand-cards overlay, the cards now immediately appear at the correct place, rather than appear elsewhere then move for a second towards their correct place.--Updated the red gem storm card text so that the damage taken on block is "block damage". (This was already the case rules-wise, so this update is just a visual fix.)

--Updated the status effect icon for the white gem storm (Invigorating Winds) so that it mentions the updated effect (draw 2 cards, rather than fetch up to 3 combo cards).

--On the gem select screen, if you have the mouse over one of the cards then use the keyboard to zoom (defaults to spacebar, rather than the mouse's right button), you'll now zoom that moused-over card.

--Gameplay fix: The purple gem storm, Hyper Tempest, no longer lets both players have the edge at the same time.

--When a player's deck is empty, we now implicitly reveal that player's entire hand as known-hand-cards.

--Midori's known-hand-cards now recovers correctly after transforming into dragon form, then back to human form.

--When an ability like Hot Coals deals damage through an animation, we no longer have the victim play their "get hit" animation if they are knocked down. (The animation only makes sense if they aren't knocked down.)

--When Arc Shot forces the end of the combo, skip the "Continue combo" phase, even against Slow Time Spiral. (Since you can't actually continue your combo then.)

--When you use Time Spiral Hurricane in a situation where you can't combo afterwards (e.g. after a dodge, as a block punish, or when the combo gets stopped by something like Arc Shot), then you no longer get a message telling you that you can combo into infinite Time Spirals.

--You can now see Dragon Midori's cards in the character reference screen. Open Midori's deck, then press the triangle button, as shown on screen, to switch to Dragon's cards (or click on the button help with the mouse).

--The character select screen now shows characters' starting life.

--Minor visual fix. Specials and supers below 10 speed now correctly show the speed watch icon without a ground shadow. (Normals still show the ground shadow.)

--Gameplay visuals: When you combo into a super move, the victim now plays their "get hit" animation at the end of the super move video, rather than hidden underneath the video.

--Jaina's Arc Shot ability now plays an impact sound effect when the flame arrow comes down and hits the opponent.

--Card mods for cards played on the table now stay fixed at the moment they get played on the table, instead of incorrectly getting updated afterwards. For instance, under Legal Limit, a single Grave throw that's played on the table will no longer claim to deal 3 damage (because Legal Limit caps *future* cards' damage to 3), and a normal attack played after it will no longer claim to deal 0 damage. Instead, the initial throw will claim 7 damage and the normal will claim 3 damage, correctly.

--The career mode's feed history can now be opened by mouse-clicking on the button help in the top-right corner. This used to work, then was broken, now is fixed.


And that’s it! Be sure to come hang out with us on Discord and let us know what you think about Lum!


Lum Bam-foo rolls his way into Yomi 2 Digital!


July 31st Yomi 2 Patch Notes