October 25th Yomi 2 Patch Notes

Minor Yomi 2 patch, this time with many new UI (new card animations and tooltips) and AI improvements (we’re closer than ever to being able to play against a Virtual Thelo!). Check out the full patch notes below.

October 25th, 2023 PATCH NOTES


UI Improvements

--New card animations happen in several combat-reveal cases:

Projectile hits

Two projectiles negate each other

Projectile gets blocked

High attack hits a low block

--Added a mouse-clickable [Back] button, for phases like Exchange, Ability, Power Up, and Gem Storm where you can go back one step by pressing the Back button. This lets you play with mouse only, without needing to press the Esc keyboard key to back out from these phases.

--In many situations, when you try to play something invalid, you now get a small red popup telling you why it didn't work.

--When you mouse over the character innate icons, the tooltip now tells you that you can click to view the character card. (This is for the mouse only, in gamepad mode the stats card automatically shows when you focus the innate icon, so the new tooltip text doesn't appear in gamepad mode.)

--When using a 16:10 aspect ratio (rather than 16:9), the combo icons at the bottom of the screen during the combo playback are positioned better.

--The mouse-clickable back button in career screens is now easier to see.

--Two new tiny buttons in the bottom-right corner of the main menu, leading to our Discord chat and Twitter page.

AI Improvements

--Menelker's AI is now better at avoiding getting hit while his Deathstrike's countdown is close to killing the opponent.

--When you play as Menelker and land Deathstrike on a bot, the bot is better at trying to survive and delay the countdown.

--Jaina now wants to fetch back her blocks and disable Recklessness when below 35 life.

--Bots now correctly understand that they shouldn't waste combo cards that do zero damage during the blue gem's Legal Limit gem storm.

--The "circle with X" close button in the upper right of the deck viewer is now 4K resolution rather than absurdly too low res.

Bug Fixes

--Fixed a bug where undo was allowed (but shouldn't be) when Menelker uses special moves during combos. This triggers the Bleeding Wounds innate which causes the opponent to randomly discard, and undoing would give different rolls of that discard and also leaked info.

--Fixed bad "<color=grey>" markup in the friends screen's player dropdown. Now it correctly shows the option in grey text (to show that it's disabled), instead of writing that markup on the screen.

--Updated Menelker's strategy card because it had text that wrongly referred to an old version of his ability card.

--Career: Fixed an incorrect priority between Patient Aaron messages, where he could send a message intended for when you lose to him after you win against him, or vice-versa.

--When the AI opponent has to Wild Swing, its intents pie chart now correctly just reflects the remaining deck's composition, instead of showing the default fallback 40/30/20/10 chart.

--Fixed a crash when viewing the opponent's known hand cards when they're all known, and the opponent's opener is face down on the table.

--When you "Save and Quit" between tournament games in an unfinished set, you'll now resume at the correct place rather than wrongly resuming at the start of the first game.


We’re always working on new features for Yomi 2, so hang out with us on Discord and stay up to date on further developments!


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