Bal-Bas-Beta is firing on all cylinders!

We have some exciting news to share today; firstly, Bal-Bas-Beta, the Clockwork Guardian, joins the cast of Yomi 2, and we’re also adding support for French, Chinese and Russian languages (with Japanese, Spanish and German coming later).

Full patch notes can be found here.

Bal-Bas-Beta, the Clockwork Guardian

Bal-Bas-Beta is a clockwork automaton created by Max Geiger. It is rumored that Geiger found a way to communicate with an ancient race who possessed technology beyond our own, and that perhaps some of “BBB”’s design is from another time period entirely.

General Onimaru contracted Geiger to mass produce clockwork soldiers to bolster his ranks, but those automatons don’t possess the same degree of sentience and personality that BBB does. BBB hopes to someday reunite with Geiger and learn the true nature of his creation and his purpose.

BBB’s archetype is the classic, runaway zoner. He has several ways of pushing his opponent to “long range”, and while he’s at long range he can recur his powerful special attacks to control the pace of the fight. His Keep Away ability recurs easily and prevents him from taking damage at long range while he’s spamming special moves, including a special throw that works from long range, breaking the usual rule of “no throws”.

He doesn’t do much damage outside of his Super I (which can’t be used at long range), he has a limited ability to Dodge and his Throws are slow. If you can find your way through his steady barrage of projectiles, rocket punches and extensor grabs, you might stand a chance of taking down this plucky automaton!

Language Support

We’re working hard on adding more language support to Yomi 2; today we’re finished with French, Chinese and Russian languages and Japanese, Spanish and German are on the way. We hope that expanding the pool of available languages helps grow our community and give more international folks the chance to enjoy our game!

That’s all for now. Thanks so much for being a fan of our games. We hope to see you online or chatting with us about Yomi 2 in our Discord channel. See you next time!


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June 12th Yomi 2 Patch Notes